Address: 26125 Main Street, Zimmerman, MN 55398
Phone: 651-368-5484
Unit Types: Bedrooms: 1 - 3 | Bathrooms: 1 - 2
Special: $99 deposit PLUS 2 months free garage with one-year signed lease. Must move in by 10/31/24.
Address: 26429 2nd St E, Zimmerman, MN 55398
Phone: 612-280-3862
Unit Types: Bedrooms: - 3 | Bathrooms: 1 - 2
Special: $250 deposit with one-year signed lease on Phase II units only. Must move in by 10/31/24.
City Information
Vacancy information for our properties is updated weekly. If no units are available, and you are interested in a property, please contact us to check future availability. We accept applications at any time for current or future vacancies.
For inquiries on these properties, contact our Walker Office at 218-547-3307 or email us.
For more information about this community, visit the local chamber.
Try our adjacent communities: Mora, Little Falls.